Monday, 30 September 2013


Today, we are going to review the Minoans, and then move on to Chapter 9 Section 2, the Mycenaeans, answer questions 6-8 on page 161.

Go HERE for the ruins of Troy

For more about the Trojan War go HERE

Note: New Groups









Thursday, 26 September 2013

Friday 9/27

In groups read chapter 9, section 1 and answer the following questions:

1) Where did the Minoans live?
2) What did they grow?  What were they known for?
3) What types of sports did the Minoans practice?
4) What was a labyrinth?  
5) How did Minoans get into their houses?
6) What were some things sacred to the Minoans?
7) Recount the Legend of Theseus and the Minotaur?

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Review Day

Today we will play Jeopardy as a review for your upcoming test.  The winner of the game will receive Panther Bucks.

Homework: Review and study for the test.

Review Day

Today we will play Jeopardy as a review for your upcoming test.  The winner of the game will receive Panther Bucks.

Homework: Review and study for the test.

Review Day

Today we will play Jeopardy as a review for your upcoming test.  The winner of the game will receive Panther Bucks.

Homework: Review and study for the test.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Thursday and Friday

Thursday and Friday:

Read Chapter 7 sections 1-3 (in your group) and answer the study questions below:

CHAPTER 7: Military Empires

Section 1: The Assyrians

1) Why did the Assyrians become warriors (think about where they lived)?
2) Discuss how a foot soldier in the Assyrian army might be dressed?
3) The Assyrians were considered CRUEL, why?  What did they do?
4) Who was Ashurbanipal?  What did he do?
5) Why might have the Assyrian Empire crumbled?

Section 2: The Chaldeans

1) The Chaldeans were also know as?  
2) Who was their most important king and what did he build?
3) Discuss the organization of a Chaldean city.
4) Babylon was a center of science what are some things it passed on?

Section 3: The Persians

1) Who are the modern Persians?  Find a map and copy it to your blog.
2) What did Cyrus do to make the Persian Empire grow?
3) How did the Persians differ from the Assyrians?
4) Who was Darius?  What are some things he is remembered for?
5) Where do coins come from?
6) Discuss Zoroaster and Zoroasterism (what did they believe?)
7) What was the Persian view of trade?

The Hebrews

The Hebrews – Chapter 6 Section 2

1)   Where did the Hebrews come from?  (What area or city)
2)   Who were the Hebrews descedent from? (What person)
3)   What are the Ten Commandments (List them).
4)   Who was Moses?
5)   What is the name of the Hebrew God?
6)   What is the idea of social justice?
7)   What was the promised land?
8)   Who were the great kings of the Hebrews?  What were some things they did?
9)   Discuss the lifestyle of the Hebrews.
10)  Compare the Phoenicians to the Hebrews in areas of religion, jobs, paces where they lived, organization.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Chapter 6 Section 1: The Phoenicians

Study Questions

1) Where did the Phoenicians live?
2) What were they known for?
3) Why did the growth of trade (worldwide) expand under the Phoenicians?
4) What were some ancient Phoenician cities?
5) How were Phoenician cities organized?
6) What is the story behind how the Phoenicians got their name?
7) What is the Phoenicians most valuable gift to the world?
8) Where was Carthage?  Why was Carthage important?

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Thursday and Friday

Continue to work on your drawings and skits/dramatic interpretations of your civilization.  Remember to include something that showcases, accurately, what your civilization was about.

Hebrews - Alex, Denver, Sienna
Phoenicians - Kiara, Dainean
Persians - Hailey, Trevor
Assyrians - Colton, Ethan


You have about 10 minutes to finish your questions on China - and then we will move on to NEW CIVILIZATIONS.

In your groups, I want you to research your group and come up with a drawing and a short dramatic acting piece that showcases the important things your did.  The drawing should show inventions, religion, warfare (with proper weapons that the soldiers used), cities.  Make sure you list, on your drawing dates, names of leaders, names of cities. 

These will be due next Tuesday. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

History of China

Today, we'll finish reading our section on Ancient China, look at a Crash Course video on China, and finally answer some study questions.  Good luck!

In groups you answer questions 1-5 (section review) on page 92 and 1-7 on page 97.

Friday, 6 September 2013


Today, in your groups you will read (or finish reading) Gilgament and The Egyptian Book of the Dead and answer the questions.

For the Book of the Dead go here

BOOK OF THE DEAD questions:

1) Briefly state what is going on in this text.
2) What is the purpose of the text (for the speaker)?
3) What makes this text entertaining or confusing? 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


We will be presenting projects today!

Make sure you have printed notes for the entire class.