Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The World Since 1989

So - we will be looking at John Green today and reading chapter 39 section 2.

After reading you need to answer the following questions:

1) What was the Apartheid?
2) What type of economic system did China move towards in the 1990s?
3) Explain how nations responded to issues of war and peace after the Cold War ended.
4) What were the Balkan Wars? 

Monday, 28 April 2014

The World Since 1989

Today we will start chapter 39. 

Section 1 - answer questions 2-4.

Also write 2-3 sentences describing life in Russia after the break-up of the Soviet Union. 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Study Questions for Quiz

1) Why did the U.S. drop Atomic weapons on Japan?  How might these events be considered the beginning of the Cold War?
2) What was the Marshall Plan?  What did it do?
3) Why did the Cold War develop?
4) Know the following people: Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Ming, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Douglas MacArthur, Chiang Kai-shek, Neil Armstrong, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mohandas Gandhi
5) Discuss the Berlin Wall.  What was it?  Why was it put up?
6) What was the Korean War?  Why did it happen?  Who was involved?  When did it start and end?
7) What was the Vietnam War?  Why did it happen? Who was involved?  When did it start and end?
8) What was the Space Race?
9) What was Mao's main goal for China?
10) Who were some of the victims of Mao's purges?
11) What was the policy of glasnost?  How might this have changed Russia (USSR)?
12) What were most developing nations like right after independence?
13) How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to win independence from Britain?
14) Why is 1960 called the "Year of Africa"?
15) How did the United States propose to rebuild Western Europe following WWII?
16) Why did the Soviet Union blockade Berlin in 1948?
17) Why did Mao Zedong order the Cultural Revolution?
18) What changes did Castro make once he came to power in Cuba?
19) What were the demonstrators at Tiananmen Square demanding?
20) What problems do most African nations face today?

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Cold War

Today we will take a quiz on the Cold War, and then read sections 2-3 of chapter 38.  Homework - understand main ideas on page 643. 

Monday, 21 April 2014


Today, we will be starting the COLD WAR. 

First lets ask ourselves some questions:

What was the Cold War?
When did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Who was involved?

We'll look at Chapter 38 section 1.  Homework will be questions 2-5 on page 629.

First we'll start with JOHN GREEN:

Friday, 18 April 2014

World War II

Today, we will be going over your tests from yesterday.  If you received less than a 70, you must retake the test.  Take notes.

After we go over the test we look at a documentary on why the U.S. dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan.  You will be required to write a paragraph on your blog about if the U.S. was justified in its decision.  NOTE - YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Questions for HISTORY TEST on World Wars I and II

How did World War I begin?  (answers need more than just the spark of the world - but should go into theory of why the war happened).

What was trench warfare?  Why did trench warfare start?

How many people were killed in World War I?

Who was Woodrow Wilson?  What did he want to do at the end of World War I?

What was the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles?  Outline the effects of the treaty on German and Russia?

Who was Vladmir Lenin?  Joseph Stalin?  Benito Mussolini?  Adolf Hitler?

Outline how the steps the Nazis took, starting in 1933, to deal with the "Jewish problem"?

Why did France and Great Britain declare war on Germany in World War II?

When did World War II begin?

What was blitzkrieg?  How did it work?

What was the Battle of Britain?

When and why did the United States enter World War II?

Why is the Battle of Stalingrad important?

What was D-Day?  When did it happen?  Who was in charge?  How many people were engaged?

V-E Day happened when? 

What is important about the following dates: August 6, August 9, August 15 and September 2 1945.

What was the Holocaust?  How many Jews were murdered during it?

Why did Germany attack the Soviet Union in 1941?

Why did the United States decide to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagaski?

How did Nationalism contribute to World War I?

What happened to the world economy in 1929?

What did the British and French give in to Hitler's demands at first?

What major events led to the defeat of Germany in World War II?

What was the United Nations formed? 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


So - get into your groups, today you need to find the following and put it into a PowerPoint:

1) How did World War I start?
2) Two leaders of your country (with photo) and bio.
3) One major battle that your side won.
4) Your countries plan for winning the war.
5) Monetary cost of the War.
6) Cost in Human Lives. 

A good website for resources can be found HERE 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Imperialism PART II

Objectives: Students will be able to summarizes the effects of Imperialism.

Today we will read chapter 36 sections 3-5.  Then students will write a paragraph with a topic sentence that summarizes the effects of Imperialism on the world.

Homework: page 595 Understanding Main Ideas 1-8. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Objective: Students will be able to explain some of the reasons for the rise of imperialism in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Today we will read chapter 36 section 1 and 2.  Students will then write a paragraph discussing why imperialism rose during the late 1800s. 

First, we will look at Crash Course and John Green's approach to Imperialism.