Friday, 7 February 2014

The Renaissance

Learning Goal: Describe what changes took place in learning, religion, science and exploration during 1300-1500s and how these changes transformed Europe.

Today we will read chapter 28 sections 1-4 and explore the following questions:

1) List the three important city states of Italy.
2) What did Renaissance artists study?
3) Who was Leonardo da Vinci?  What did he paint? What inventions did he draw?
4) Who ruled Florence?  What was Florence known for?
5) How did Popes during this time act like political rulers?
6) How was Venice different than most Renaissance cities?
7) Why did the doge have little power?
8) Who was Rabelais and what did he believe?
9) Who developed a printing press in Germany?  How did this change European culture?
10) What Church reforms did German and Flemish scholars want to make?
11) Why did Philip II mistreat Spanish scholars?

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